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文献资料(1 / 2)

atkinson, rick, . new york: houghton mifflin, 1993.

bado, captain christopher m., . master''s thesis, naval postgraduate school, 1996.

bank, el aaron, usa (ret.), .

novato, california: presidio press, 1986.

beckwith, el charlie a. (ret.), .

new york: avon, 2000(first printed in 1983).

brown, lieutenant el ronald j., . history and museums division, hq, u.s. marine corps, 1995.

bucci, lieutenant el steven, interview with general carl stiner (ret.) for the u.s.

army military history institute, 1999.

carroll, major douglas e., . masters thesis, fort leavenworth, kansas, 1993.

ery, philip d., . new york: st. martin''s press, 1997.

churchill, lieutenant el charles w., . u.s. army military history institute, 1989.

dunnigan, james f. and bay, austin, . new york: william morro; pany, 1992.

flanagan, edward m., lieutenant general usa (ret.), , washington, d.c.: brassey''s, 1993.

gordon, michael r. and trainor, bernard e., . new york: little, bro; pany, 1995.

hilsman, roger, . garden city, ny: doubleday, 1967.

hilton, lieutenant el carson l., . military studies program paper, u.s. army war college, 1991.

hiro, dilip, . london: harpercollins (u.s.edition by routledge), 1992.

hutson, kevin, . westport, .: greenwood press, 1995.

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